
Individual Business Development Coaching with a Certified Coach

Business Development Coaching

Business Development Coaching with a Certified Coach

If you take a look at the technological development in recent years, you get a clear picture of what exponential growth really is. Just a glance at storage devices, for example, which have been shrinking in their physical size from year to year while their performance and capacity have been increasing enormously, makes it clear how technological advancement can’t be stopped anymore. Since performance is being enhanced in every aspect at such a dizzying pace, it is no wonder that we, individual people, might lose sight of the big picture.

The current VUCA environment (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) therefore poses particular challenges for business development. Whereas in the past, behavioral patterns, strategies, and concepts could be used by managers over a longer time-period, now the situation changes on a weekly basis, a daily basis, or sometimes even by the hour. Agility has become a buzzword at the executive level and part of the program ever since.

The Mindset of a Business Development Coach: What is New Today Will Be Surpassed Tomorrow

Comfort zones are a thing of the past. Executives and high-ranking employees are compelled to constantly push their own personal development forward. But in which direction should this change bring them? How do they set goals for themselves? And what should they do if their motivation dissipates, when they just can’t keep going for some reason? What happens if you start to call everything into question? When getting coached, how do we use “stretch goals” in order to protect ourselves from planning unrealistically and missing the actual target? For example, we can use more specific scenarios. We can formulate goals and check how viable they are. That is the one way to do it right and the reason why Serpil Uensal’s clients profit from her Business Development Coaching. The individual’s own resources serve as a foundation from which ideas can be drawn. Serpil Uensal takes care to ensure that by using a healthy mix of empathy and stringency in her role as a Business Development Coach.

Produktmanagement Bertatung für mittelständische Unternehmen

The Difference Between Fragility and Agility Consists of Two Letters and Business Development Coaching from Serpil Uensal

The external support is relaxed. She is not caught up in the same business position as her client. Because of this, she can ask questions with ease. In many cases, the best answers are also the ones that just as easily roll off the tip of your tongue. In a protected atmosphere, you can let loose and open up, and you are free to determine which topics you want to work on. The foundation for this kind of communication and personal development is shaped by a deep level of trust that is built up and solidified between you and your coach. 

The Recipe for Success for your Company: Individual Business Development Coaching

With Serpil Uensal by your side as your Business Development Coach, she helps you develop your own problem-solving capabilities further. Get a clearer picture of your personal and professional situation. Make more conscious decisions and present yourself more confidently. And, most importantly: smile again. The path to achieve this is not only imaginable, it’s easy – with Business Development Coaching from Serpil Uensal!


Serpil Uensal

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Your Expert

Serpil Uensal

Serpil Uensal is a keynote speaker, trainer, coach, and consultant with over 20 years of experience in marketing, product management, and business development. Her customers include over 100 small and medium-sized businesses, as well as multinational companies.

Serpil Uensal has been active as a trainer and coach for medium-sized companies since 2005. Since then, she has provided more than 20,000 hours of these services to both national and international companies. With her captivating style, she has enthralled over 9,000 participants in her seminars, training sessions, and workshops.

Serpil Uensal is known for her edutainment. She is an animating moderator and a passionate storyteller. She has demonstrated her excellent presentation skills in numerous projects. Local, digital, national, or international: Serpil Uensal understands how to inspire people with her interactive training and how to achieve sustainable results.


Reach your company goals more effectively, consistently, and successfully

What Her Participants Say

Serpil Uensal Trainerin, Coach, Speakerin

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I help you integrate product management into your company conceptually, measurably, and successfully.